Wednesday, 24 August 2011

TV ADVERT PRODUCTION - Task 3 Part 2 - 1-1 Interview

I asked four students (similar to my target audience) the 6 questions below in one on one interviews to find out their views on fizzy drink brands and adverts. This is what I found...
1.       Do you prefer adverts with or without music and why?
2.        What is your favourite advert at the moment, what made it stand out from the others?
3.       What do you believe is the most popular fizzy drink brand out there?
4.       As a student, would you rather see other students in an advert or older people that you aspire to be like?
5.       What do you think attracts you most to the product on an advert? a) logo b) slogan c) acting d) other (please state)
6.       Would you be more inclined to buy a drink that said it contained real fruit rather than flavours or is that not something that concerns you in a soft drink?


1. I prefer adverts with music because images are more exaggerated by hearing a familiar song and a good advert will use a song that relates to the product so it sticks in your mind
2. J20 because they make me laugh and they’re clever!
3. Coca Cola
4. Older people who I aspire to be like
5. D – music
6. Not something that concerns me – I tend to drink a soft drink when I really fancy one, regardless of the fruit content – usually I just need the sugar hit!

 1. I prefer adverts with music because it just makes it a bit more interesting to watch also if you're out of the room and you hear the music you'll know what advert it is.
2. My favourite advert at the moment is probably the old spice advert because it's quite funny and it's quick and short and gets to the point.
3. Coca Cola I think
4. I'd probably prefer students because they're people you can relate to.
5. Probably a slogan because it's one of those things you remember especially if it's a funny or catchy slogan.
6. To be honest I don't really mind it doesn't concern me

1. With music because they’re more interesting and sometimes really catchy
2. The burger King Whopper advert because I love the song, it makes me really happy every time I see it
3. Maybe Pepsi or coke it’s between the two
4. People my age but not acting to be all popular and cool when they’re actually like 27
5. Probably the slogan if it’s clever and the colours have to be happy
6. It definitely catches my attention but it’s got to be fizzy too!

1. They don’t really need it if there’s a lot of talking, maybe just in the background?
2. The skittles one where whatever he touches turns to Skittles because it’s something you obviously don’t see in real life
3. Tango because their slogan “You’ve been Tango’ed” is pretty famous
4. People I look up to like celebrities
5. Other- how smart it is, if you watch something that’s made really well you’re going to think the product is good quality too
6. Yeah I guess, stuff like energy drinks just full of crap make you feel really unhealthy and you don’t buy it again.

Looking at the answers I obtained from these four acting as a cross section of my target audience I have discovered the following. Most people do like music in adverts but there doesn’t necessarily have to be actual singing if the advert is interesting enough. Humour or something never seen before are great ways for an advert to stand out from others. Coca Cola seem to be the assumed most popular drink brand worldwide. The target audience want to see someone like them in advert that they can relate to rather than someone older trying to seem like they can relate to teenagers. The slogan is an important factor in the advert as well as originality. And the attitude towards fruit in a fizzy drink being important seems to be split both ways. I will try to take all of these conclusions into account when planning my advert and pitch.

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